(This article was published HERE last December for Prague Christian Fellowship, or PCF. Little did I know then how relevant this prophetic word would be for us in 2020!)
The above photograph popped up on my timeline as a memory. This time last year I was in the Panhandle of Texas burying my parent’s ashes with family members a few days after my brother-in-law’s funeral.
After the memorial for my parents at Dreamland Cemetery, we drove past what used to be my grandparent’s homestead and farm. This windmill still stands, along with the small wooden-framed house, garage and barn, barely standing. I spent some of my summers here with my brother and grandparents. The bleak, flat landscape was contrasted by the warmth and love inside this tiny home as we shared meals and laughed together. The wide, open spaces were perfect for watching sunrises, sunsets, and storms. It’s also the perfect place for a windmill which was used to pump water for the cattle.
Prophetic Word
I attended a gathering on October the 22nd led by YWAM about Life with the Holy Spirit. A South African prophet, Stephaan Hugo, taught and prayed for participants. He had a prophetic word for me which I’d like to share, because I believe it’s actually for all of us.
He explained that as he prayed for me, he saw me as a windmill. I was standing at catching the wind of the Holy Spirit. This windmill had two tasks; 1. pumping water, and 2. producing electricity. All I have to do, he said, is stand in the wind of the Spirit and God would use me to bring nourishment to others and produce new energy to the atmosphere round me! The refreshing wind must be harnessed, but not just for myself. It was for others!
How encouraging to know that during times of trials and testing which can be so intense, all we have to do is STAND like that windmill on the barren prairie. Let this serve as a reminder to never give up on God. Hold your ground. I Chronicles 16:11 says “Search for the Lord and for his strength; continually seek Him.” Don’t stop!
What does it mean for PCF to pump water and produce electricity?
Hydrate the Thirsty
A prophet long ago prophesied about PCF that we have a mandate to be a powerful presence in the center of Prague, touching influential places and people in a strategic way. Another prophetic mandate for PCF is for leadership development. The ministry center we’re raising money for is part of this plan. God is challenging us to provide living water for the spiritually thirsty. Prague is a “spiritual training ground” and we are called to be a place of refuge, strengthening and refreshment in the heat of the battle.
I love the mental image from John 7: 37-39 (TPT). I imagine a passionate Jesus, with his head thrown back and arms open in exclamation;
…Jesus stood and shouted out to the crowds—
“All you thirsty ones, come to me!
Come to me and drink!
Believe in me so that rivers of living water will burst out from within you,
flowing from your innermost being,
just like the Scripture says!”
Jesus was prophesying about the Holy Spirit that believers were being prepared to receive. But the Holy Spirit had not yet been poured out upon them, because Jesus had not yet been unveiled in his full splendor.
Our mandate is to bring this Living Water, Jesus, to people who are thirsty! How? By loving those in our daily circle of contacts. It can be through Alpha Courses, feeding the homeless with YWAM, inviting neighbors over for dinner, opening our hearts to PCF newcomers, sacrificially praying for the lost, striking a friendship with the local shop owner, or initiating coffee with a lonely work colleague. The possibilities are endless.
We are also to be to a place of spiritual nourishment for hungry believers, whether they’re babies crying for milk or spiritual adults craving meat. We are in need of daily time in prayer and study of God’s Word. We are in need of more corporate Bible studies. Although we’re thankfully for those who study and preach, Sunday sermons aren’t enough. We’re each called to be ready with the Word of the Lord in every situation and challenge.
Creative Power
From the beginning of the Bible, the Spirit broods over the waters and God speaks resulting in the creation of the universe. This is a fundamental revelation of how God acts. His presence and power bring something into the natural realm what wasn’t there before. His Word creates, and we are created in His image. Therefore, we’re designed to also create. Whether it’s creating the atmosphere in our homes or places of work, decorating our homes so people feel welcome, creating a work of art, a poem, a startup business or a new strategy for evangelism… we each are inherently created with the ability to channel the Holy Spirit and advance the Kingdom of God on planet earth. The world needs our ideas and inventions, our love and prayers.
In atmospheres of faith and revival, God’s Spirit is present creating a vast array of miracles such as healing and deliverance. His creative power also gives faith or hope where there was none, w dispelling depression, for example. Numerous times I’ve hit a mental roadblock with a problem, and after prayer and inviting the Holy Spirit into the situation, a solution will present itself.
There is strong a connection between the Word of God and the act creation. Again, we must remain in God’s Word and draw close to Jesus.
Like the windmill, we must stand firm in our faith in order to hydrate others and produce electricity as the solution for this dying world. I Corinthians 15:58 (TPT) says;
So now, beloved ones, stand firm and secure.
Live your lives with an unshakable confidence.
We know that we prosper and excel in every season by serving the Lord,
because we are assured that our union with the Lord makes our labor productive
with fruit that endures.
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